Let's go backwards from this glorious moment of experiencing the wonder of whales in the wild to what happened three hours earlier. (I'll try not to go on and on!)
I booked this tour, see, for my Aunt Robin, a great friend, Liz S. and myself. Turned out that when I called to confirm, as you do, there were no spaces left on the boat. I felt totally accountable since it was late notice. Me, being me, said, "I see. Well thanks anyway. Maybe we can come another day." Never mind that I had been working full steam to pull this off. Schedules had been changed, favors had been asked, all roads were leading to a highly anticipated day out on the ocean.
Well, in short order Miss Liz arrives. Upon hearing my woeful tale she marches me right upstairs to the phone. "Don't take no for an answer!" "Call them back." Me, being me, said, "o.k." Wouldn't you know the gal offered to get us in on another vessel. After many phone calls back and forth between the gal that was helping us and the company that signed us on, some serious driving during rush hour traffic and a mad (and might I add clumsy) dash through Sea World's maze of a path to the dock we finally arrived huffing and puffing and only slightly mortified to have held a massive touring boat with all of it's guests up for 10 minutes. Ooops!
It turned out to be THE perfect day of whale watching. We whooped it up yelling, per the captain's helper's direction, for them to come say hi. We waved our arms and stamped our feet along with the rest of the folks eager to attract who we were dying to see up close. Unbelievably they came. The rolled and dove. We saw a pod of 2 then a pod of 3 come cruise right next to the ship. I swear they were looking at us, checking us out. It was truly fantastic.
There was even time to catch a bite to eat at a cafe along the ocean and shop for treasures. In fact, Robin found the perfect didgeridoo for her son and some darling little goodies to take home for her daughter. All in all it was a day I am soooo glad we didn't give away to a simple "no".